30 day journey to peace and submission- Day 29 Number your days.

Our friend Skip used to say in his sermon’s, “We don’t have a lot of time”  Soon after I heard him give that message, the Lord took him home. He went fast, unexpected. A brain aneurysm took him on Labor Day 2011. A day I will never forget. He really got what it meant to be a follower of Jesus. He did the work, as evidenced by his funeral. People filled his viewing, lines out the door and down the street circling the block. And the church, busting at the seems. The Pastor said in his eulogy, “Skip always told me, this church is going to be filled someday Pastor.” and he was correct!

Pastor Slaughter will always say, I’m 63 and almost dead.

How we spend our days, will determine how we will spend eternity. I have an eternal perspective everyday.

Pastor Slaughter says, “Live like you will die tomorrow and plan like you will live forever”. So, that is what I am doing.

In addition to praying for someone or someone'(s) Are you numbering your days? I want to encourage you to COUNT UP! LIVE LIKE YOU WILL DIE TODAY, PLAN LIKE YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER!

This conference is going to be life changing!! Get your tickets!!

One more thing…..Get your tickets to this Woman’s conference! Early bird price!!

“As the Women of Faith tour is ending in 2015, another begins!

Take a Day to invest in YOU at the Mother’s of Israel  Women’s Conference . We will work together to build the foundation for Leadership among women  across the Country. Mother’s Of Israel Conference features wonderful speakers, , food, fellowship and a lot of fun! ”


Here is your worship song for your study: Again, not a worship song, but a great song!!


Here is an additional video on the subject of the law of attraction!


Your Yoga session: This is HOLY YOGA!!!


Yoga Class-


There is still time to invite someone to join in! 


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