30 day journey to peace and submission. Day 28- Thoughts are things.

To go and grab my devotional, please go to

I love that this is what I get to share about today! This is my favorite thing to share, because I know that it is true.


Back in 2006, I was turned on to the movie “The Secret”, this movie was a game changer for me. This movie explains how the law of attraction works, with many people who use it daily in their lives. .One person in particular I paid attention to, and that was Jack Canfield. He is the author of the “Chicken soup for the soul” books. He explains in this movie about how he wanted to earn a certain amount of money from the sale of his books. But, he didn’t know how that was going to happen. Which is key….don’t worry about the HOW, only the WHY. So, he took a $1 bill and put zero’s on it, to make it $100,000. Back then, that was a lot of  money. He said he was in the shower one day, and was doing some thinking, because that is where he does his best thinking, about ideas of how to get his book out there. He ended up in a convenience store, and right in front of him was a rack of “National Enquirer” magazines. He thought, “man, if I could get in there…”

About a month later, he was doing a speech and afterwards a lady came up to him, and told him she would like to discuss ideas for his book. She then said, “I do most of my stuff for the “National Enquirer”. That year he earned that $100,000, and a million the next year. 

Yesterday in church, after Pastor Slaughter gave me some shout out’s, I had a lady come up to me and ask me if I was Rachel Tucker….of course i said yes. She told me she was with ‘Holy Yoga”, and asked if I had ever heard of it, and was shocked when I said that I hadn’t.

She gave me her card…..Holy Yoga is a 5013c ministry. Her passion is sharing Jesus and Yoga……It is an international thing. She lives in Michigan, and just happened to be in Vandalia visiting her sister for the weekend, and drove back home that day. She was in the right place at the right time. I know that wasn’t a coincidence and that we are supposed to have met. Will keep you posted!


In addition to praying for someone or someone'(s)Are you creating your life? You have to have a strong WHY and definiteness of purpose. It is about your BELIEF.

I have a $1 bill on a mirror in a bathroom, it has 9 zero’s on it. It’s on it’s way…..If you have not watched “The Secret” you can catch it for free on Netflix

Remember where you get your power from, “The Holy Spirit” Your infinite intelligence!


This conference is going to be life changing!! Get your tickets!!

One more thing…..Get your tickets to this Woman’s conference! Early bird price!!

“As the Women of Faith tour is ending in 2015, another begins!

Take a Day to invest in YOU at the Mother’s of Israel  Women’s Conference . We will work together to build the foundation for Leadership among women  across the Country. Mother’s Of Israel Conference features wonderful speakers, , food, fellowship and a lot of fun! ”


Here is your worship song for your study: Again, not a worship song, but a great song!!


Here is an additional video on the subject of the law of attraction!


Your Yoga session: (restorative) or Bedtime


Yoga Class-


There is still time to invite someone to join in! 


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